Temple Nineteen:
The Sun
MoonCoach Silvia Pancaro
August 21, 2017 · Estero, FL ·
I just channeled/wrote/dreamed this Prayer for us All...
Along with the song Ecstasy from Rusted Root.
May you all be blessed on this incredibly important Celestial Portal!
May this Leo Solar Eclipse bless all Life on Earth...may those that are of a militaristic or abusive nature in positions of power, government and the corporations and groups that serve the outgoing negative elite be removed, dissolved, transformed OUT of power....
May the Great Celestial Lion swallow the evil that has previously imprisoned the Light of Humanity...may the Light of Divine Ecstasy RETURN to her rightful place within the Hearts of All Beings...
May we each and all re-member Our True Nature, and live respectfully of our wonderful diversity...may we each BE BRIGHT and SHINE LIKE THE SUN, each in our own unique and marvelous ways...bringing further Brilliance to Gaia, to our beloved Earth....
May the Masters who know and serve the Beautiful Vision of the Great Dreamer, light the FIRE inside our CORE, our HEARTS, so that all dark Shadow be dissolved in the LIGHT...tranform, alchemize, celebrate!
We are all Children of the One Light.
The veils of illusions that had been cast over our imperfect human eyes are lifting, lifted...as we adjust to seeing with our True, Spiritual Eye, that perfect Harmonious and Beautiful World, which is OUR DESTINY....
Oh Great One, Fixed Fire in our collective human Heart, burn with the Passion of a thousand suns, ignite our Inner Divine Flame, become alive with the Presence of the eternal I AM, in each and all, in the One Heart, in the One Essence of our Being....Masterful Being that ALL TOGETHER WE ARE.
And so it is, on this great Leo Solar Eclipse, in the Grace and Beauty of Love & Wisdom, I humbly remain in Service to the Vision of the ONE HEART.
Always & forever,
MoonCoach Silvia Pancaro
2:48 pm EDT
August 21, 2017
Leo Lunar Eclipse 2017
Copywrite, All Rights Reserved, By Silvia J. Pancaro